A delegation of diplomats and officials from the Arab League and its Secretariat visit the old town of Kashgar in northwest China"s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 31, 2023. After attending the 18th senior officials" meeting and the 7th senior official-level strategic political dialogue of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, the 34-member group visited northwest China"s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from Tuesday to Friday. (Xinhua/Gao Han)
URUMQI, June 3 (Xinhua) -- A delegation of diplomats and officials from the Arab League and its Secretariat said that they witnessed a different Xinjiang from the one that has been portrayed by Western media.
After attending the 18th senior officials" meeting and the 7th senior official-level strategic political dialogue of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, the 34-member group visited northwest China"s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from Tuesday to Friday.
The group visited a number of locations in Xinjiang and said that the region does not match what is portrayed by Western media, and it boasts harmony and stability, a rapidly growing economy and a colorful and prosperous culture, with residents living and working in peace and contentment.
While visiting an exhibition on Xinjiang"s anti-terrorism and deradicalization work in Urumqi, the regional capital, the delegation hailed Xinjiang"s remarkable achievements in respecting and safeguarding human rights.
Mohammed Haj Ibrahim, director-general of the Department of Asian and African Affairs under the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that China has made constructive contributions to the fight against terrorism and extremism. International cooperation on counter-terrorism should be strengthened, including the exchange of information and experience, he said.
Elhassan Mohamed Musbha Rabha, division head of the Department of Asian and Australian Affairs under the Foreign Ministry of Government of National Unity of Libya, said that China has made great efforts to ensure the freedom of religious belief, and that people of all ethnic groups can live together in harmony.
The delegation visited the Id Kah Mosque and the old town of Kashgar, some 1,500 km southwest of Urumqi. Mohamed Moustafa Kamal Mohamed, permanent representative of Egypt to the Arab League, said he was very glad to see that the historic mosque in Kashgar is well preserved and equipped with modern facilities.
The group praised China"s 7-billion-yuan (about 987 million U.S. dollars) renovation of the old town of Kashgar, an ancient Silk Road city with a history of over 2,000 years.
Mohanad A.A. Alaklouk, permanent representative of Palestine to the Arab League, said he was very happy to see the ancient buildings and experience the long-standing culture of the old town of Kashgar on his first trip to Xinjiang.
The Chinese government has made huge efforts to renovate the old town and preserve its wonderful cultural heritage, and all these efforts and achievements are impressive, he said.
The delegation also visited the Urumqi International Land Port Area. Xinjiang has done well in all its undertakings and its infrastructure is complete, totally surpassing expectations, said Mohamed Moustafa Kamal Mohamed.
Mohammed Haj Ibrahim said the changes taking place in Xinjiang have proved that China has done a great deal to secure jobs and support local economic development.■
A delegation of diplomats and officials from the Arab League and its Secretariat visit a workshop making traditional ethnic musical instruments in Kashgar, northwest China"s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 31, 2023. After attending the 18th senior officials" meeting and the 7th senior official-level strategic political dialogue of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, the 34-member group visited northwest China"s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from Tuesday to Friday. (Xinhua/Gao Han)
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